Thames Delta World Service #8 - Everyone's Talking About Bowie

Everyone’s Talking About Bowie…..or at least it’s felt like it recently, probably because of the Ziggy 40th anniversary but also because of the general greatness of the man and his music. A word of warning, this podcast is about a century long (1hr 45m anyway) and I talk far too much in it, but it's about David Bowie, what’d you expect? These are (possibly) my favourite Bowie songs, I’m not saying they are ‘the’ best, everyone should make up their own mind, but these are the ones that keep dragging me back or keep me up late when I could really do with going to bed. I’d love to know what you think of them.
You can hear the podcast here….

Or download it here….
Whilst making the podcast I made a CD of the songs, and here is the first ever TDWS competition. If you'd like the CD pictured below (though I won’t be giving away the mag) send me your e-mail address either via Facebook, this site or my own e-mail, and I’ll pull a winner out at random and send it anywhere in the world. I might even make a cover for it.

In the podcast I mention a latter day Bowie compilation I keep in my car which I entitled ‘Angels Of The Aftermath’. This is the tracklisting and my iTunes artwork for it.
I’ll be back soon with a more bite sized podcast with far less talking and I promise, no Bowie.